Building Shepherd - Reached 100 Launch Authors!!!
We reached 100 launch authors on Jan 25th! I am blown away by the response so far from authors :)
As of Jan 25th, we now have 100 authors who have agreed to write a topic page or who have already turned one in. A topic page is something like: "The Best Books On Historic Accounts Of Plague Outbreaks" or "The Best Books On The Hittite Empire".
The more topic pages we have the more exposure authors get because we can relate different topics and help readers follow their curiosity along different paths. This is crucial for our beta launch in the Spring (and a wider launch in the Fall).
I've spent the last 30 days reaching out to authors and I am blown away by the response! I've gotten to chat with some of my favorite authors which is amazing :). What else? I've designed a CRM system on AirTable, built out an email outreach system with Lemlist, hired several people part-time to help me with aspects of outreach, and built a pipeline that will add 100 new topic pages each month. The pipeline should scale further once we are ready to increase the volume.
Good day!